16 September 2016:
STREST Final Workshop, Ljubljana
14-15 September 2016:
STREST Final Meeting, Ljubljana
12-13 October 2015:
STREST 2nd Year Workshop, Thessaloniki
22 May 2015:
WP5 workshop, Zurich
19 December 2014:
WP4 workshop, Naples
29-31 October 2014:
STREST 1st Year Workshop, Ispra
26-28 February 2014:
Joint WPs3-4-5 workshop, Utrecht
14 January 2014:
WP2 workshop, Zurich
21-22 October 2013:
STREST Kikc-off Meeting, Zurich
STREST receives funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 603389.
Critical Infrastructures (CIs) provide essential goods and services for modern society; they are highly integrated and have growing mutual dependencies. Recent natural events have shown that cascading failures of CIs have the potential for multi-infrastructure collapse and widespread societal and economic consequences. Moving toward a safer and more resilient society requires improved and standardized tools for hazard and risk assessment of low probability-high consequence (LP-HC) events, and their systematic application to whole classes of CIs, targeting integrated risk mitigation strategies. Among the most important assessment tools are the stress tests, designed to test the vulnerability and resilience of individual CIs and infrastructure systems. Following the results of the stress tests recently performed by the EC for the European Nuclear Power Plants, it is urgent to carry out appropriate stress tests for all other classes of CIs.
STREST focuses on earthquakes, tsunamis, geotechnical effects and floods, and on three principal CI classes: (a) individual, single-site, high risk infrastructures, (b) distributed and/or geographically extended infrastructures with potentially high economic and environmental impact, and (c) distributed, multiple-site infrastructures with low individual impact but large collective impact or dependencies.
STREST works with key European CIs, to test and apply the developed stress test methodologies to specific CIs, chosen to typify general classes of CIs.
Duration: 3 years (October 2013 - September 2016)
Consortium: 12 partners from 8 countries
Budget: 3,975,006 € (EC contribution of 3,000,000 €)
Work Plan: 7 Work Packages, 6 Test Sites
The STREST final results are online
For a summary of the STREST project results, you can go directly here. For all the STREST results, including deliverables, peer-reviewed articles, videos, please visit our Results section. As for the 6 STREST European reference reports, they are available under deliverable: D7.6 - Publication of the STREST European Reference Reports.
© STREST - Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards
Contact Us: SED, sedweb@sed.ethz.ch | Arnaud Mignan, Project Manager, arnaud.mignan@sed.ethz.ch | Domenico Giardini, Project Coordinator, domenico.giardini@erdw.ethz.ch